We often design leadership programs to suit specific needs. Programs can be developed to meet a specific need, or be a longer term developmental program.
We have designed programs from 3 days to 18 months in duration.
Typically programs start with self awareness (leading self - may include 360
degree feedback) and a framework of leadership skills, attributes and qualities.
The second stage focuses on leading a team - motivating, counseling, resolving
conflict, team performance (esprit de corp), developing team skills, team goals
and more.
The final stage focuses on business needs - budgets, outcomes, planning,
strategy, vision and mission.
For longer term programs assignment or group work is set with key completion dates. One ompany we worked with asked us to set groups business challenges - warranty, quality, customer expereince to work on over the duration of the leadership program. Groups reported their findings as part of the 'passing out' parade.
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