Program Design
CBTraining can design and tailor a package to suit your requirements. For example you may require a short team building activity for a conference, or a management development program that runs for a 6 - 12 month period. You may consider in house delivery or external delivery, you may want to utilise 'topic matter experts' that reside within your business, you may like a program designed form the ground up. Almost anything is possible.
Graduate Programs
CBTraining can help you design your own graduate program. With experince in the recruitement, selection, induction of graduates and program design CBTraining can help you in all areas. We can also provide refrences of successful graduate programs.
Program Management
In small organisations HR Departments can be stretched to maximum capacity. CBTraining can administer or manage your program. We have experince in managing long-term leadership development programs.
Inudction Programs
Finding and keeping quality employees is costly and time consuming. An induction program designed to motivate, educate and build communication is important for businesses today. If you require an updated or new induction program for your employees we can help you.
Chris has a wealth of experience in facilitating all types of programs - sales, time management, leadership, teamwork, motivation, customer service and more. If you require an experienced facilitator with advanced skills we can help.