Chris specialises in designing and delivering solutions and has deliveredlandmark courses in many organisations. His work experience includesautomotive, building, manufacturing, energy efficiency, retail and B2B sales. Recently, Chris set up the Dux Solar Hot Water Institute in Bowral, NSW to train
Plumbers, retailers, dealers and internal staff.
Chris holds a certificate IV in Training & Development along with a GraduateCertificate of Training & Development and is currently studying BusinessCoaching. Chris is an accredited DISC practitioner and specialises in humanbehaviour. Chris has the unique capability of being able to relate to all levelsof an organisation. This translates in being able to consult with seniormanagement, whilst having ‘street cred’ with front line staff.
- Designing training programs.
- Facilitation of programs.
- Evaluation of programs.
- Writting training modules.
- Coaching.